Weeks 17-19

Sometimes the little things can make a big difference.

Here is one little thing that can make a big difference for student success. Did you know that how you arrange your tests/assesments/worksheets can impact student success? Come to a session on “How to set a paper” in the next few weeks for tips and structures that help students. This short workshop will explain things like how much white space do you need, what size font to use, and much much more. Look for an email invitation coming soon.

Last call for volunteers to assist with our spring in-service and fall new faculty/staff orientation.

Reading of the Week
This article discusses the importance of creativity in problem solving. A degree called creative studies? That’s right!

LD Reading of the Week
Here is a short tip sheet on helping students with executive functioning disorder.

App of the Week
Explore the power of cells and genetics with this app. Warning: this app costs $1.99

Inspiration of the Week
