Summer Learning… Had me a Blast!

Summertime is here, and I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I am excited to sleep in and hang out at the pool.  Although we all deserve a break this summer, as professionals we must also continue to grow in our practice.  We owe it to ourselves and our students.

Just as choice is important for our students, there are many ways that you can engage in professional development this summer:

  • Read a book, blog, or article about teaching, the brain, or children – you won’t run short of options.
  • Watch videos – YouTube has more than you may realize on teaching.  You may want to try searching “the greats” like Grant Wiggins (RIP) or maybe someone in your content area.  I love Dan Meyer’s talks about math education for example.
  • Talk to other teachers.  You can do it in person or electronically – and you can use it as an excuse to have a great lunch or another cup of coffee.
  • Attend one of our Summer Learning workshops, movies, appy hours, or online discussions.

There is no requirement – except to engage.

Good luck and Have a Blast! (cue the Grease music here)

If you want a great app to make some fun posters for your classroom, next year check out this link.